Where our little people learn big things.
Lumsden is a privately owned single-site centre that provides an exceptional standard of early childhood education and care for tamariki from six months old in a fun, dynamic and nurturing environment.

Lumsden Kindergarten leads education within our community, providing wonderful care in a beautiful space. As well as offering planned learning opportunities, tamariki have plenty of time to play, explore the outdoors and discover for themselves, all while making friends, building relationships and having lots of fun.
From 6 months
Our teachers and learning environments nurture, care and support children from the early stages of infancy through to their toddler years.
From 3 years
We provide a safe and stimulating learning environment for three to five-year-olds that is literacy rich, culturally aware and physically active.
We work with
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Lumsden Kindergarten leads education within our community through wonderful care in a beautiful space.